Abstracts and downloadable presentations may be viewed here or navigated by clicking on the titles below.

At-A-Glance Schedule – Thursday, October 4, 2018

8:00a – 9:00a Welcome & Plenary Session
Gerald J. Hahn Achievement Award
Wayne Nelson, Wayne Nelson Statistical Consulting
9:15a – 10:00a 1A: Experiences with Big Data

Murat Kulahci, Technical University of Denmark and Lulea University of Technology

Moderator: Flor Castillo

1B: Big Data at Owens Corning: A Case Study on Deriving VOC from 1.4 Million Words of Free-Form Text

Tina V. Pickerel, Owens Corning
Keith Bowers, Bowers Management Analytics

Moderator: Amanda McGough

1C: Slack-Variable  Versus Mixture Modeling for Mixture Experiments: A Definitive Comparison

Greg F. Piepel, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Moderator: Byran Smucker

10:30a – 12:00p 2A: Collaboration

Strategic Design and Analysis for Hosting Data Competitions
Christine Anderson-Cook, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Statistics and Metrology: A Collaboration
Stephen V. Crowder, Sandia National Laboratory

Moderator: Steven Schuelka

2B: STAT Invited Session

Customizing and Assessing Deep Learning for Specific Tasks
Amir Tavanaei, Procter and Gamble

Understanding and Leveraging Today’s Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 
Michael Garris, NIST

Moderator: Adam Pintar

2C: Technometrics Invited Session

Fast Computation of Exact G-Optimal Designs via Iλ-Optimality
Christopher J. Nachtsheim, University of Minnesota

Central Composite Experimental Designs for Multiple Responses with Different Models
Wilmina M. Marget, Augsburg University

Moderator: Laura Freeman

12:15p – 1:45p Luncheon:
Aerospace Technologies: Past, Present, and Future
Jerry Tarnacki, Senior VP (Ret.), Space Business Unit, Aerojet Rocketdyne
2:00p – 3:30p 3A: Process

A Recommended Set of Indices for Evaluating Process Health
Kevin White, Eastman

Specification Setting – an Adaptive Approach
Brad Evans, Pfizer Research And Development

Moderator: Ashley Childress

3B: Model Validation

Model Validation Strategies for Designed Experiments Using Bootstrapping Techniques with Applications to Biopharmaceuticals
Christopher Gotwalt, JMP Division of the SAS Institute

Predictive Response Surface Models: To Reduce or Not to Reduce?
Byran Smucker, Miami University

Moderator: Maria Weese

3C: Industrial Engineering

Condition-Based Maintenance Policy under Gamma Degradation Process
David Han, University of Texas at San Antonio
Estimating the Uncertainty of the Change in Holdup Inventory
Philip Gibbs, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Moderator: William Guthrie

4:00p – 5:00p Youden Address
Leveraging Industrial Statistics in the Data Revolution 
L. Allison Jones-Farmer, Miami University

At-A-Glance Schedule – Friday, October 5, 2018


7:30a – 8:00a Registration
8:00a – 9:30a 4A: Q&P Invited

Sequential Bayesian Design for Accelerated Life Tests
Yili Hong, Virginia Tech

Comparing Two Kaplan-Meier Curves with the Probability of Agreement
Nathaniel Stevens, University of San Francisco

Moderator: Wayne Nelson

4B: CPID Invited

Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Order-of-Addition Experiments
Joseph Voelkel, RIT

Design and Analysis for Order-of-Addition Experiment: Some Recent Advances
Dennis Lin, PSU


Moderator: Stephanie DeHart

4C: JQT Invited

Bias/Variance Trade-Off In Estimates of a Process Parameter Based on Temporal Data
Tricia Barfoot, Emmetros Ltd.

DP-Optimality in Terms of Multiple Criteria and Its Applications to the Split-Plot Design
Shaun S. Wulff, University of Wyoming

Moderator: Peter Parker

10:00a – 11:30p 5A: SPES Invited

FPL – Power Delivery’s Powerful Predictors
Daniel Barbosa, Florida Power & Light

Storm Outage Forecasting – Handling Uncertainty and Dealing with Zero-Inflating
Seth Guikema, University of Michigan
Moderator: Willis Jensen

5B: DOE in DOD

Difficulties with Applied Statistics in DoD: Practical Solutions to Limitations in Testing
Francisco Ortiz, The Perduco Group

Power Approximations for Failure-Time Regression Models
Rebecca Medlin, Institute for Defense Analyses

Moderator: David Han

5C: QE Invited

Statistical Engineering Approach to Improve the Realism of Computer-Simulated Experiments with Aircraft Trajectory Clustering
Sara R. Wilson, NASA

Prioritization of Stockpile Maintenance with Layered Pareto Fronts
Sarah Burke, The Perduco Group

Moderator: David Edwards

11:45a – 1:15p Luncheon:
Statisticians Leading in a Data Science World
Lisa LaVange, ASA President
1:30p – 3:00p 6A: Education

The Art of Teaching and Communicating Design of Experiments to Non-Statisticians
Shari Kraber, Stat-Ease

Small Statistics, Big Data Curriculum
Chad Foster, GE Aviation

Moderator: Christine Anderson-Cook


A Practical Framework for the Design and Analysis of Experiments with Interference Effects
Katherine Allen Moyer, North Carolina State University

Calibration of Regression Models used in Smartphones’ Applications for Estimating the IRI in Urban Areas in Peru
A. Valeria Quevedo, Virginia Tech

Moderator: Michael Joner

6C: Applications

Geometric Shape Deviation Modeling Across Different Processes and Shapes in Additive Manufacturing Systems
Arman Sabbaghi, Purdue University

Applying Monte Carlo Logic Regression to the Drug-Adverse Event Association Study
Minh Pham, University of South Florida

Moderator: Shaun Wulff

3:15p – 5:15p Wine & Cheese Reception with SPES Special Panel Session
Statistical Engineering;  What Is It and Where Is It Going
Roger Hoerl (Union College), William Brenneman (Procter and Gamble), and Geoff Vining (Virginia Tech)


View past programs here.